Very easy knitted wallet.


Medium weight cotton yarn

Knitting Needles: No. 7 (4.5mm)


Tapestry needle


CO: Cast on/Cast off

Knit: K

Stitch(es): St(s)


16 sts to 24 rows (10 cm-4 inches) in knit stitches. Check your gauge. Use
any size needles to obtain the gauge

Written instructions:


Using 2 knitting needles, judy’s magic co 30 sts.

Knit with 2 needles 27 rows. (4.5 inches-11.5 cm)


Work in both knit and purl stitches for 3½” (8 cm)
Next row (wrong side): Purl.
Next (buttonhole) row: K14, co 2 sts, K14
Next row: P14, CO 2sts, P14
Next row: K30.

Bind off knitwise.

Sew button opposite buttonhole. Weave in ends.

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